• Català, valencià
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Asociación Defensa Derechos Animal Adda Ong


United against cruelty in the Madrid demonstration, against bullfighting

On May 27 40,000 people marched against the violence of bullfighting in the demonstration held in Madrid on May 27 to demand the abolition of bullfighting in all its forms and its withdrawal from Cultural Heritage of Spain. More than 170 animal welfare and environmental organizations from all over Spain, including Ong ADDA as well as international animal welfare associations gave their support to the demonstration.

The demonstration began at 11 am at the Puerta del Sol with a show in which some 500 activists broke banderillas and created a large red cloud to symbolize the blood of over 20,000 bulls, cows, heifers and calves that each year die in bullfighting practices in Spain.

We remind you of the book **Tauromaquia: el mal cultural **by Carmen Méndez, a rigorous and well documented plea against bullfighting that brings to light the negative impact of taurocracy in Spain.
