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Asociación Defensa Derechos Animal Adda Ong


ADDA says NO to hunting with greyhounds (galgos)

On February 4, 2018, the Platform “NO to hunting with greyhounds” and other dog breeds, held a demonstration in 31 Spanish cities and also in 8 European cities, to raise awareness on the need to put an end to hunting, and in special, the Spanish hunting practice with greyhounds.

Every year, at the end of the hunting season in Spain, thousands of greyhounds, hounds and other dog breeds are abandoned or cruelly killed if hunters decide that they no longer serve to hunt. During their short life, dogs are mistreated in cruel trainings, deplorable living conditions and forcing the females to breed throughout the year.

As in previous years, ADDA supported the campaign and attended the protest that was held in Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona.